Gazprom EP International Attends IBC Meeting

On Friday St. Petersburg held a working meeting of the “Human Recourses, Education and Science” Working Committee of the International Business Congress (IBC). Elena Kasyan, Head of Department at Gazprom, hosted the meeting.
The main session of the meeting addressed the matters related to cross-cultural communication within the framework of personnel management. Alexander Nikiforov, Deputy Managing Director at Gazprom EP International, moderated one of the discussions and a business game called “Verbal and Non-verbal Cross-cultural Communication”. In his words, the company’s geographical footprint allowed it to gain a wealth of unique experience in the sphere of cross-cultural interaction.
“In our work we consider employees’ competencies alongside with their willingness to work within an international team, understand and respect the traditions of the peers, their customs in the cultural context. Our task is to shape such team and make it efficient”, pointed out Mr. Nikiforov.
Grigoriy Krotkov, Head of the group on business development and marketing at Gazprom International Training, also took part in the Committee meeting. His speech covered the issues of “streamlining the information flow that surrounds each individual in this day and age”, and touched upon how the GIT training center in Amsterdam tackles this problem.
On his part, he suggested the Committee Board to create a specialized mobile app to provide informational support and accumulate data on critical topics of previous and future meetings. In fact, such app will allow for a shared infosphere for all members of the HR Committee and will make its work more efficient.

Gazprom International is a sole specialized enterprise for implementing projects in the areas of prospecting, exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields outside the Russian Federation. At present, the company participates in the implementation of around 40 projects in two dozen countries on three continents.
Gazprom International Training within Gazprom International Group deals with the personnel training and development, holds workshops and career development courses for the employees of the Gazprom Group, its subsidiaries and partners in joint projects.
